Introducing the Union SDK

Until now, users needed to juggle a combination of command-line tools, namely `flytekit` and `uctl`, in order to develop workflows and manage user-facing parts of the platform. That’s why we created the `union` SDK, so you can simplify getting started and workflow development on Union’s Serverless and bring-your-own compute (BYOC) platforms. The `union` SDK removes complexities while adding functionality.

A Seamless, Integrated Development Kit

The `union` SDK is now the go-to resource for most users starting with Union. By innovating on the flytekit plugin system, we’ve allowed for customized behaviors specific to Union’s requirements. The introduction of a FlytekitPlugin means behaviors can be extended and adapted by Union, enhancing the `pyflyte` CLI to incorporate additional capabilities not found in open-source Flyte. These enhancements ensure a smooth integration and extend the functionality of existing tools, making the development process more intuitive and powerful. Our documentation walks through how to get started with `union`.

Empowering Users with Cutting-Edge Features

`Union` has already proven itself to be the platform of choice for developers tasked with managing a range of workflows in production. Now, the `union` SDK simplifies new user onboarding: users can simply visit, sign up, install the `union` SDK, and run their workflows remotely. Key new functionalities include a serverless image builder that simplifies image management and a streamlined secrets management experience that removes the need to configure secrets at your cloud provider. Additionally, the SDK extends `FlyteRemote` to `UnionRemote`, facilitating seamless operations in both serverless environments and BYOC setups with minimal user adjustment. With these enhancements, the `union` SDK makes advanced computing more accessible to a broader audience.