Artifacts & Reactive Workflows

Artifacts create a first-class abstraction over the inputs and outputs of tasks and workflows. Introduce soft dependencies between workflows with artifact queries, allowing you to break out your evaluation steps and batch prediction step with your modeling step. 

Reactive workflows enable cross-workflow automation by reactively kicking off downstream workflows in response to the completion of upstream workflows. Reactive workflows leverage artifacts as the medium of exchange between workflows, such that when an upstream workflow emits an artifact, an artifact-driven trigger in a downstream workflow passes the artifact to a new downstream workflow execution. 

Artifacts and reactive workflows can be used together to modularize individual teams’ workflows while automating and providing reproducibility across the overall AI development pipeline.

Read our blog post “Move Fast and Don’t Break Things: Introducing Artifacts Lineage and Reactive Workflows” 

Learn more about Artifacts in our docs:

Learn more about Reactive Workflows in our docs: